Studio Equipment Sale this March!

POTTERS! A date for your diary! Saturday 8th March- Sunday 9th March

I am moving studio and relocating this spring and will be holding a Weekend Moving Sale at the beginning of March. I have several pieces of equipment that I am ready to part with along with clay and glazes and there will also be some pottery.

This is an in person sale only.

I have a couple of small blungers, clay mixers, glaze mixer, casting tubs, ready mixed coloured porcelain, ware boards, throwing bats, and an assortment of furniture. I’ll post a list of equipment nearer to the event, please sign up to my newsletter to be in the loop. I am unable to reserve any item, this will be an in-person sale which I will advertise through the CPA and through social media.

Saturday 8th March 11-3pm Pottery and equipment sale

Sunday 9th March 12-3pm Pottery and equipment sale

Directions to the studio

Unit 6 Evergreen Field Farm, Pincet Lane, North Kilworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6NE.

What 3 words: ///connected.items.craftsmen

I’m 3 miles from Junction 20 on the M1, in between Lutterworth and Market Harborough.

The studio is next to HMS and Albert’s Archives on Pincet Lane in a small industrial estate, look out for their signs at the entrance to the yard.

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