Care advice for your porcelain

Washing in Dishwashers

Our porcelain items are suitable for washing in the dishwasher, but to keep your ceramics looking good, we highly recommend sticking to these guidelines:

  • Make sure the porcelain does not touch any other item which may cause scratching or damage by vibration during the dishwasher cycle

  • Do not overload the dishwasher, cramming plates or mugs next to one another

  • Ensure the maximum temperature of the cycle is 60ºC (140ºF) or below

  • Use mild and gentle detergents, not powders and tablets

  • Ideally, use a rinse cycle to wash away any detergent film

Removing Stains

We recommend washing your porcelain as quickly as possible to reduce the possibility of staining with strong tea or coffee. You can try removing stains by:

  • Scrubbing with salt

  • Using soluble denture cleaning tablets as per manufacturers instructions

  • Bar Keeper’s Friend helps to remove stubborn stains and oils from tea and coffee tannins.

  • Sodium Percarbonate is a natural oxygen bleach, which causes no harm to wildlife, can be used to remove stubborn stains, such as tannins. We have found this to be a successful stain remover.

PORcelain Durability

Although porcelain is delicate, if it is looked after properly, it can last for years. Be mindful of damage which can be caused by extreme temperature changes, for example hot water poured into a cold mug may cause it to crack. A metal spoon placed in the mug before the hot water will help, or adding milk first (if you take it!) before the hot water will also help minimise the temperature change. An Item is more likely to crack under an extreme temperature change if it has had an impact at some point in its life.


To avoid scratching the surface do not store porcelain plates, mugs, bowls or platters directly on top of each other. We recommend lifting plates from the top and ideally, storing them with pieces of linen or felt between each plate to avoid scratching the one beneath. When storing mugs, ideally do not store stacked or touching other mugs to avoid chipping or scratching.